Rosario de sonetos líricos: 01
Rosario de sonetos líricos de Miguel de Unamuno Nota: En esta transcripción se ha respetado la ortografía original. [ pág. ] Breve e amplissimo carme... ........................... fosti d'arcan dolori arcan richiamo. Carducci. Rime nuove. Al soneto. The great object of fhe Sonnet seems to be, to express in musical numbers and as it were with individed breath, some occasional thought or personal feeling «some fee-grief due to the poet's breast». It is a sigh uttered from the fulness of the heart, an involuntary aspiration born and diying in the same moment. W. Hazlitt. Table Talk. On Milton's sonnets. Rosario de sonetos líricos de Miguel de Unamuno Introducción - I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX - X - XI - XII - XIII - XIV - XV - XVI - XVII - XVIII - XIX - XX - XXI XXII - XXIII - XXIV - XXV - XXVI - XXVII - XXVIII - XXIX - XXX - XXXI - XXXII - XXXIII - XXXIV - XXXV - XXXVI...
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